Thursday, July 26, 2018

Ginger Beer

Ginger beer

150g fresh ginger, unpeeled
600g light-brown sugar
1 litre warm water
12.5g instant yeast
5ml cream of tartar
3.5 litres water, at room temperature

Chop the unpeeled fresh ginger very finely (use a food processor to do this) and place in a 5-litre container with a lid. (If you are using a metal container, it has to be made of stainless steel or enamel.)
Add the sugar and warm water and stir until the sugar has dissolved.
Add the yeast, cream of tartar and raisins, then stir again and add the rest of the water.
Place the lid on the container and leave to ferment for 24 hours, then pour the liquid through a sieve and discard the ginger pulp and raisins (but rinse and keep a few raisins to add to the bottled ginger beer).
Strain the ginger beer using paper filters placed inside a funnel or strain it through a fine cloth and pour into sterilized bottles.
Add two rinsed raisins to each bottle, close the lids tightly and refrigerate.
Leave for at least 5 hours, preferably overnight, until you see bubbles rising. When opening, do so very carefully.
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