Friday, July 27, 2018

Milk Tart Samoosas

Milk Tart Samoosas – a delicious twist on a South African favorite

Classic milk tart:
1 roll puff pastry, thawed
560 ml full cream milk
1 stick cinnamon
15 ml butter
5 ml MOIR’S vanilla essence
30 ml SASKO cake flour
2 extra large eggs, separated
80 ml sugar

Samoosa alterations:
45 ml mixed citrus peel
5 ml MOIR’S orange essence instead of MOIR’S vanilla essence
Omit the egg whites
10 sheets phyllo pastry

How to
Classic milk tart:
Heat 500 ml of the milk together with the cinnamon and the butter. Leave to stand for 15 minutes before removing the cinnamon stick. Add the essence.
Mix the flour and corn flour. Beat egg yolks and remaining milk together. Mix with the flour and corn flour.
Add a little of the warm milk to the flour mixture and add to the heated milk in saucepan. Cook until thick.
Remove from the heat and add sugar. Leave to cool. Beat egg whites until soft peaks form. Fold into filling. Spoon into the prepared pastry shell and bake in a preheated oven at 200°C for 10 minutes and then
at 180°C for 15 minutes.
Then lower heat to 160°C and bake for 20 more minutes until golden and risen. Makes 1 tart

To make milk tart samoosas:
Follow the same recipe as for milk tart but add 45 ml SUGARBIRD mixed citrus peel and a few drops of MOIR’S orange essence instead of MOIR’S vanilla essence to the milk.
Omit the egg whites.
Use 10 sheets of phyllo pastry. Cut into 8 x 36 cm strips (more or less).
Brush a strip with melted unsalted butter. Place another strip on top and brush with butter. Place a tablespoon of the filling at the top. Fold over to form a triangle.
Continue folding over to form a samoosa.
Place on a greased baking sheet and brush with more butter. Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar.
Bake in a preheated oven at 220° C for 15 minutes or until golden and puffed.

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