Friday, July 27, 2018

Roti Recipe



6 cups of cake flour
1 tsp of salt 
2 -3 tbs sunflower oil
2 cups of warm tap water
150 grams of butter

In a large bowl, mix together all the ingredients, except the butter, until a soft dough is formed, if too sticky just add a little more flour, about 2-3 tbsp. Knead for a minute. Next, take bits of the dough to form a small ball and roll each one out on a lightly oiled surface to form a round big disc.
Spread a thin layer of butter on the discs, roll them up to form a long thin sausage. Roll up each end of the sausage to form an s-shaped roll and then fold one side on top of the other. Cover with cling wrap and Place the roti in the freezer for 30 minutes or in the fridge for a few hours.
Roll out each roti the size of a dinner plate again and fry in a hot frying pan until its golden and then turn over onto the other side (around 40 seconds on either side). Take the roti out of the pan and clap it with your hands to make it flaky. Serve with curry.
I try to roll out my roti dough as thin as possible and my surface is always oiled with a tiny bit of vegetable oil, my butter is room temperature, this ensures a very light, fluffy and crispy roti.
Do not oil your pan when frying this roti.
Do not use a small pan to fry roti.
I use an electric frying pan or a very large non-stick roti or normal pan.

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