Thursday, October 4, 2018

Crème Caramel Recipe

Crème Caramel Recipe


For the caramel:

150g sugar
6 tbsp water

For the custard:

4 large eggs
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
30g caster sugar
600ml full cream milk


Preheat the oven to 150℃.

TIP: Heat the pudding molds in the oven while you make the caramel. This will make it easier to spread the caramel and also prevent crystallization.

Heat the sugar and water over medium heat, stirring (with a wooden spoon) until all the sugar has dissolved. Boil without stirring until the mixture turns a light copper color.

TIP: At this point, immediately put the bottom of the pan into a sink full of lukewarm water. This will stop the caramelization and prevent burning.

Quickly pour the caramel into the bottom of the pudding molds and set aside to cool at room temperature.

Caramelized sugar:

Once the caramel has hardened, butter the sides of the pudding molds so the pudding doesn’t stick.
Gently warm the milk in a saucepan over the stove. It must be warm, but not boiling or too hot to dip your finger in. (The temperature here is key, so be careful).
Whisk the eggs, vanilla, and sugar together in a bowl.
Once the milk is warm, pour it into the egg mixture and whisk until smooth. Then pour your mixture into the prepared molds.

Custard mixture in pudding molds:

Place the molds in a roasting dish and carefully fill the dish halfway with boiling water.
Bake the caramels for about 20 minutes, or until a knife inserted into the center comes out clean.

TIP: They will still be quite ‘wobbly’, but don’t be tempted to leave them in for too long as this may result in sweet scrambled egg.

Crème caramels out from the oven:
Cool the crème caramels in the fridge for at least an hour, preferably overnight. This will allow the custard to absorb the caramel flavor, and for the caramel to steal water from the custard and soften.
Gently loosen the sides of the custard with a palette knife, and turn upside down onto a dessert plate to serve.

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