Wednesday, January 2, 2019

French Macaron Recipe

Lynne’s Easy French Macaron Recipe


100g almond flour
200g icing sugar
50g cornflour / Maizena
120g egg white (about 4 large eggs)
130g castor sugar 
1t Vanilla paste
Gel food coloring (2 different colors preferably)

Preheat oven to 120C. 

In a food processor, blitz cornflour, icing sugar & almond flour thoroughly for about 3 minutes to make the dry ingredients super fine. 

Make sure your mixing bowl is grease proof by cleaning it out with a lemon dabbed towel. Then add your egg whites. Whip until just foamy. 

Add your castor sugar and whip until stiff peaks, then add Banilla paste. You will learn to judge consistency as you practice this recipe. Do not over-whip otherwise the meringue will loose its glossiness. Do not under whip, or your Macarons won’t rise. 
Decide the meringue into two bowls and add your gel color to each of the bowls and mix through to make two batters of different colors each. 

Fold through half of the almond mix into each bowl. Weigh this carefully. It might seem as if the batter is dry and going to seize, but keep folding to ensure there are no lumps of flour. 

Put each mix in their separate piping bag. 
Pipe equal coin sized rounds onto your baking tray. One done, slam the tray onto your worktop a couple of times to ensure there are no peeks forming in the middle and you have a smooth round and flat disc. 

Bake for 18 to 20 minutes. Do not open the oven before 18 minutes have passed. Macarons are ready when they come loose from the baking sheet easily and don’t stick. You want to look for a proper base/foot or platform forming at the bottom. 

You can fill the Macarons with a ganache or butter cream icing filling, flavored with your choice of food flavor. 

Buttercream icing filling recipe:

Ganache Recipe:

Gently heat 100ml cream, then add 200g chocolate and flavor essence and mix until the chocolate has displaced. 

Pro tip: the Macarons can be frozen if not filled. 

Please, like and share this recipe via the link Lynne’s Contrived Kitchen and do not copy and paste. I work hard to perfect and simplify my recipes and bring them to you for free 🌷
You can find more free and easy recipes on my blog, at

Enjoy 🌷