Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Greek Kota Riganati Lemon Chicken

Greek Kota Riganati  / Lemon Chicken  


6 chicken drumsticks
4T fresh lemon juice
60ml olive oil
1T dry oregano
2 cloves crushed garlic
Pinch of salt
Touch of pepper
1/4 cup Kalamata olives
1 disc Feta cheese crumbled


Preheat the oven to 200C.

Drizzle chicken with olive oil and lemon juice.

Mix Oregano, garlic, salt, pepper and rub it into a chicken.

Bake for 60 minutes. Flip the chicken halfway and baste it a couple of times whilst baking.

Remove from the oven, sprinkle with Kalamata olives and Feta cheese.

Serve with roasted or mashed potatoes.

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