Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Oreo & Caramel Layered Pudding Recipe

Oreo & Caramel Layered Pudding Recipe


1 can Caramel condensed milk
2 tubs of Cream cheese, left out to soften
2 cups brewed espresso
3 packs of Oreo chocolate cookies


In a bowl, mix the caramel and soft cream cheese until they’re completely combined. It should be a light caramel colour. 

Brew your coffee and pour it in a shallow dish. Submerge each cookie one by one in the coffee then line them across a different baking dish until the bottom is fully covered. 

Once one cookie layer is complete, spoon over a healthy glop of the cream cheese caramel mixture and spread it evenly across. 
Top that with another layer of coffee soaked cookies.
Continue layering until you reach the top of your dish, saving enough space to make sure the top layer is the cream cheese caramel mixture. 

Top with an optional dusting of cocoa powder.
Set in the fridge for upwards of four hours, or until ready to serve.